Annual Reports Online due from all churches - Deadlines:


Annual Session Statistical Reports there is no workbook; everything will be done online at and is a copy of what you must report ONLINE by linking to and entering at the following website: then using your User name and Password as supplied by our Stated Clerk in mailed letter or kept by you. Our recommendation, as always is to do this early to avoid delays getting into the OGA system DUE 02/14 online


Annual Presbytery Record Review form DUE to Stated Clerk prior to the first Presbytery Meeting of the Year.

Necrology Report Form (PDF document that can be downloaded, filled out, saved and emailed back or printed to send in via USPS ) *Due to Stated Clerk by 01/31

Basic Mission Giving PLEDGE Form   (PDF document that can be filled out then printed to send in to Presbytery) * Due to Stated Clerk by 01/31

Per Capita:  Note in December each church will receive from the Stated Clerk their own individualized  letter with apportionment due *DUE in the Presbytery office by 01/31

2024 Annual Minister's Report - Part 2   You do not need to file IF there is no pastor in the pulpit, just write "VACANT" and send that along, please

**(aka Terms of Call) (PDF document that can be filled out once downloaded, then printed, signed appropriately, and sent in via a scan email, fax or mail) Due to Stated Clerk by 01/31

**We strongly suggest you call the Board of Pensions directly. See link on homepage or phone in planning calendar. Note: this Form is a Presbytery form and does NOT replace the Change of Salary Form that Board of Pensions requires be filed with them. Contact Board of Pensions with questions.

Directory Update Form (PDF document that can be filled out then printed to send in)*Date Due to Stated Clerk by 3/31 or whenever you change session clerks, treasurers, or have a new minister   use this form to guide you on what we need and whenever you need to update your church information OR just email the office with the changes; no need to fill out what has not changed, just changes!