If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at the office: 406.586.7706 or email: [email protected]

The State Clerk sends the next year's Per Capita Apportionment to each church in December. Call the office if you have misplaced yours or need the information, please.

All remittances are made to the Presbytery of Yellowstone using the remittance form found under "Forms and Documents" on Home Page or just below.

Please make checks for Per Capita payable to the Presbytery of Yellowstone and mail with a remittance form (see Line C) to the address on that form: PO Box 1254, Bozeman, MT 59771


2022 Per Capita -- the apportionment is sent by our Stated Clerk to treasurers during the previous December and is based upon your church's reported numbers to the Online Statistical Reports from the end of 2021 count of members.  DUE Jan. 31st, 2023. Please understand that the Presbytery is sent the entire per capita dues bill for all our churches to pay by February, that is the reason for the Jan. 31st deadline. Thank you for understanding.

Per Capita due Jan. 31, 2023

Presbytery  $  45.15

Synod              3.00
GA                  9.85

Total:         $58.00


How Per Capita is Calculated:

*Per Capita Apportionment for Presbytery of Yellowstone is based on the membership of your church as you report it annually online in January to the last General Assembly. 

For example, the apportionment for your church is based upon your reported membership as of December 31, 2021, which you report in January of 2022 through the electronic submission of that packet of information on annual statistics. The amount due is not calculated until the following December 2020 and the apportionment is sent out with the annual reports to each church. That per capita is due in Jan. 31, 2023. As you can see, there is a lag between the numbers your church reports on the statistical report and when that per capita is actually due.  There is more information on what Per capita is, how it is spent, etc. on the www.pcusa.org website if you Search the topic.

2022 Per Capita is calculated on 12/31/2021 membership and is due by 1/31/2023