Policies of Presbytery

Child Protection Policy adopted November 2018

         Child Protection Policy Template is available if you email the Stated Clerk or the office

Family Leave Policy  adopted 2021.03.06    Effective Date: 2022.01.01

Personnel Policy adopted May 2012

Sexual Misconduct Policy adopted November 2012

Documents and Resources

Minimum Salary Guidelines 2024

Presbytery Minimums - Suggested Fees for Pulpit Supply, Moderating


Administrative Manual for Presbytery of Yellowstone click on the underlined name for the manual and please note the more recent changes as listed below

        Newer Documents to the Administrative Manual:

                     General Presbytery Position Description November 2023

Standing Rules adopted March 3, 2023

Validating a Ministry Policy adopted May 2022

Annual Reporting Policy adopted May 2022

Boundary Training Policy adopted May 2022

2017 November Approved Standing Rules

Sexual Misconduct Policy adopted November 2012

Personnel Policy adopted May 2012

Stated Clerk Position Description March 2021

Discernment Process of Yellowstone Presbytery  updated 2015, posted 2015.09.14

Presbytery New Structure 2014

Child Protection Policy adopted November 2018

Non-PC(USA) Pastors adopted November 2018

Presbytery of Yellowstone Tax Exemption Letter