Rev. Kathy Goodrich
General Presbyter
As the General Presbyter for Yellowstone Presbytery, I pastor pastors, commissioned lay pastors, and their families. Additionally, I provide leadership, administration, visioning, and equipping for leaders, college and seminary interns, congregations, and ministry teams. Our goal is to become more like Christ and join His mission in our ever-changing contexts.

Caroline Fleming
Stated Clerk
The Stated Clerk provides constitutional and spiritual leadership for the life, witness, and work of the presbytery as professional staff. I perform all duties prescribed in the Book of Order and the Standing Rules of the Presbytery pertaining to documents and records. Additional, I am responsible for all communication to other governing bodies regarding the actions of the presbytery, as assigned to the Stated Clerk. Additionally, I also facilitate meetings of the presbytery.

Deb Jackson
Office Administrator
The Office Administrator provides services that enable the Presbytery to operate in a virtual environment. I collect the physical mail from our PO Box in Bozeman, possess this physical mail, including emailing bills and vouchers to the treasurer, depositing checks, and performing other administrative duties.