Presbytery of Yellowstone

PO Box 1254 Bozeman, MT 59771

“Vision serves the church like the North Star serves the explorer”

Teams and Moderators

Presbytery ModeratorRE Melissa Bell
General PresbyterMWS Kathy Goodrich
Stated ClerkRE Caroline Fleming
Previous ModeratorMWS Mary Grace Reynolds
Leadership Cabinet ModeratorMWS David Thompson
Camping and Youth
Pastoral MinistryRE Debbie Ernst
Pastoral MinistryMWS Neva Rathbun
Representations/NominationsMWS Harlan (Lanny) Rounds
Permanent Judicial CommissionMWS Neva Rathbun
Presbyterian WomenRE Suzanne Bratsky
St Timothy's Chapel ModeratorRE Cal Boyle
Office Administrator
Debra Jackson
TreasurerRE Ric Tieman