November 2-3, 2012 Presbytery Meeting  *Please scroll to the bottom of the page for all reports and materials

(updated 2012.10.22)

Welcome Letter with Lodging Information

Registration Form -fill out and bring with you to drop with the Stated Clerk


Docket  - posted 2012.10.24

Minutes of the Previous Presbytery Meeting

Minutes of the Special Presbyery Meeting

Presbytery Offering Information

REPORTS to the Presbytery by Leadership Cabinet Moderators and others:

Please note that minutes from each committee below are posted under their own committee pages as they are filed with the Presbytery office. Please see the Homepage and click on the link to the Leadership Cabinet and Committees to find these documents. This section is for committe reports to the Presbytery.

Leadership Cabinet Minutes posted 2012.10.31

Budget and Finance

Camping and Youth

Higher Education


Mission posted 2012.11.12

Nominations Ballot revised, posted 2012.10.31


Presbyterian Women


St. Timothy's Chapel


Co-General Presbyters  posted 2012.10.29

Stated Clerk's Report


Synod Coordinating Council Report to Presbytery

Churchwide Pastoral Letter from the 220th General Assembly

Amended Sexual Misconduct Policy revised and posted 2012.10.26

nFog Task Force Report posted 2012.10.29

Structure Task Force Report posted 2012.10.31