Note that some of our PDF documents can be filled out right on your computer by 1.downloading from this site, 2. filling out 3. saving to your computer, then 4. emailing it back to us or printed and mailed as you prefer , however they cannot be submitted from this site. Please call if there is a concern or problem. We hope this makes the tasks easier and quicker for you!
Annual Reports to Presbytery and online click here
Report Forms and other Forms Used within Presbytery:
Mission and Per Capita Remittance Form (PDF document that can be filled out then printed to send in) *DUE each time you remit funds at all - always sent to the Presbytery office *see PLEDGE form below for the annual church pledge to Presbytery Mission
Elder Commissioner Report Form updated fillable PDF
Elder Commissioner Report Form updated .DOC (this version is a Word document and must be downloaded and 'saved' to your computer, then opened, typed into, saved as a file with a proper name/date for the committee report, and then sent via email - RECOMMENDED)
Higher Education Grant Request Form
Session Clerk's Record Review Document Checklist
Team Agenda Building Form (this version must be downloaded and 'saved' to your computer, then opened, typed into, saved as a file with a proper name/date for the committee report, and then sent via email - RECOMMENDED)
Team Report Form to Leadership Cabinet (this version must be downloaded and 'saved' to your computer, then opened, typed into, saved as a file with a proper name/date for the committee report, and then sent via email - RECOMMENDED)
Validated Ministry Form for Presbytery
At Large Minister's Annual Report
Honorabley Retired Annual Report
Validated Ministry Annual Report