Presbytery Meeting May 21-22, 2021 via Zoom

Packet- there will be no single-click meeting packet posted. As always, if you wish to print or just read a report that we do have just click on it. It will be underlined and an active link.

Save the Date Flyer 4.30.21

Reconnecting Churches and Communities Flyer 5.10.21

Mini Conference with Rev. Shannon Kiser, PCUSA pastor

Shannon Kiser Packet for Mini Conferences 5.19.21

Worship Bulletin for Friday evening


Elder Report Form

Docket 5.17.21

Draft Minutes of Previous Meeting

Leadership Cabinet Report 5.14.21

Co-General Presbyters Report 5.21.21

State Clerk Report revised 5.18.21

Team Reports:

Camping and Youth 5.13.21

PMT 5.11.21

    Flyer for PMT Boundary Training June 5 and October 2 5.05.21


       Stated Clerk Search Committee Report 5.12.21

Other Reports:

Budget and Finance 5.18.21

Presbyterian Women

St. Timothy's Chapel 5.03.21

Synod Commissioner


Harlowton report 5.17.21

Other Items:

Easy Planned Giving Courses offered in October see here 5.14.21


Other Items posted after the meeting start:

Admin. Commission of Sale of McAlister property