Presbytery Meeting

Feb. 21-22, 2014 at FPC Billings


Welcome Letter includes information on hotel rooms, RSVP for meals


Registration Form


Revised Docket revised and posted 2014.02.11

Worship Dwelling in the Word


Listening Centering Prayer posted 2014.02.21

Minutes of Previous Presbytery Meeting

Leadership Cabinet Minutes of 2014.01.31 posted 2014.02.12

Second Reading of Proposed Changes to Presbytery of Yellowstone Standing Rules posted 2014.02.13

Stated Clerk Report posted 2014.02.20

Committee/Team Reports:


Budget & Finance

        2014 Proposed Budget  posted 2014.02.18

        2013 Balance Sheet posted 2014.02.19

        Narrative Report of Proposed Budget posted 2014.02.18


        Treasurer's Report Narrative posted 2014.02.18


Camping & Youth


Higher Education posted 2014.02.17


Ministry posted 2014.02.17


Mission - no report


Nom-Rep (Nominations and Representation Team) Report/Ballot posted 2014.02.14




Presbyterian Women


St. Timpthy's Chapel Report

    and Minutes of St. Timothy's Chapel posted 2014.02.11




Co-General Presbyters Report posted 2014.02.18


Restructuring Report   posted 2014.02.14

Per Capita - What is Per Capita Good for in 2014? posted 2014.02.19

Income Streams and PerCapita Uses packet posted 2014.02.20