November 6-7, 2015 Presbytery Meeting at Lewistown

*** Special Note:  Please bring your copy of the spiral bound book you may have received at the June meeting: "How to Set Up a New Worship Community" which Vera White passed out then."

Entire Packet click here includes addendum to the packet which includes more of the Leadership Cabinet reports that were missed in the above packet that was posted 2015.11.05  entire packet posted 2015.11.06


Welcome Letter


Registration  (to be brought with you or sent to the Stated Clerk)

Elder Commissioner Report Form



Minutes of the June 2015 Presbytery Meeting

Minutes of Special Presbytery Meeting

Leadership Cabinet Reports

Stated Clerk Report

Reports from Teams:

  Camping and Youth

  PMT  plus see additional PMT below


Other Reports:

  Budget and Finance Reports:


       Balance Sheet September

       Program P&L

       Administrative P&L

       Proposed 2016 Admin Budget

       Proposed 2016 Program Budget presented at meeting; posted 2015.11.10

  St. Timothy's Chapel

  Synod Commissioner Report

  MAC Report

  PW (Presbyterian Women)

Other items posted after packet was created:

Co-General Presbyters Report  posted 2015.11.05

PMT additional report posted 2015.11.05